jueves, 26 de febrero de 2015

Proust Questionnare

Publicación original: 18 de noviembre de 2009

* Your most marked characteristic?

good humor, fun, loud
* The quality you most like in a man?
when they are respectful to women
* The quality you most like in a woman?
* What do you most value in your friends?
their support at anytime
* What is your principle defect?
talk without thinking, talking over people, making faces
* What is your favorite occupation?
* What is your dream of happiness?
accomplish everything I want by myself. 
* What to your mind would be the greatest of misfortunes?
after all this last year, all my experiences, nothing can bring me misfortunes anymore.
* What would you like to be?
more awesome that I am right now. In the good sense of the word. A college professor/researcher.
* In what country would you like to live?
Spain, Denmark
* What is your favorite color?
* What is your favorite flower?
* What is your favorite bird?
baby chicks

* Who are your favorite prose writers?
Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Isabel Allende
* Who are your favoite poets?
Neruda,Edgar Allan Poe
* Who is your favorite hero of fiction?

* Who are your favorite heroines of fiction?
Ursula Iguarán Buendía
* Who are your favorite composers?
Mozart, Beethoven 
* Who are your favorite painters?
Picasso y Dalí
* Who are your heroes in real life?
People that are passionate of what they do.
* Who are your favorite heroines of history?
Lately Anne Boleyn 
* What are your favorite names?
Sebastian Pascual / Aimeé
* What is it you most dislike?
I don't like when people I do not know get too friendly with me,either touching me or calling me mamita, that kinda shit.
* What historical figures do you most despise?
Francisco Franco. I just do not like him at all,even dislike him more than Hitler.
* What event in military history do you most admire?
in general, the people that get into that, willing to die....for none of their reasons.
* What reform do you most admire?
(no response)
* What natural gift would you most like to possess?
patience, understanding to other people that clearly do not think like me
* How would you like to die?
peacefully and fast, not drowning 
* What is your present state of mind?
* To what faults do you feel most indulgent?
The one I know
* What is your motto?
anything that will happen to me, will happen, no matter how much I will try to avoid it, it will happen. 

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