jueves, 26 de febrero de 2015


I came here during a cold, cold winter (at least to me of course), and I’m leaving during a nice spring, feeling like I’m leaving family behind. I was some sort of scare, because it meant starting over. New friends, new job (station wise), and no car. Worry about how I would get to work. Scare of using the bus. Well, I never had to use it, because life put in my way awesome people that would give me a ride to work, to eat, to the bowling alley, and to happy hour. Oh, happy hour at the Boot, I’m so going to miss you. I made awesome friends, that truly have become a family to me. I will cherish all my moments here. Hanging out with my peeps from Skywest, to be honest, the most. I will always have Gabe in my heart, because we laugh so much and wanted to cut so many people up, and I will always remember our cooking sessions at Alex, Derek, and Blaine’s house. I will miss my weird conversations with Derek, always quoting a movie, a tvshow or pop culture. I will miss my Colorado wife Alex. Girl, you have become such a good friend, and I will miss our times at work and out of work. Having Blue Moons and trying to stick to a diet, this in my case never worked. I gained like 12-15 pounds here! I will hit the gym as soon as I get home. Blaine, you are so funny, and smart, and I will truly miss your Harry Carry impersonation of Will Ferrell’s impersonation, and all of your impersonations as well. Gustavo was and is my Peruvian guy with a soft soft spot for reggeton. Chinooo, tetita!!!! Sam, you are the sweetest guy I have ever met. Thanks for lending me your truck in my moments of need, for taking me and Emily shooting, and always, always have a smile, not just for me, but for everybody that crosses your way. Keep it like that, life has great things for you ahead. I will miss my people at the cafeteria that fed me most of the season without charging me for most of my breakfast and Cokes. You guys are the best. I will miss Alicia, Carrie and Breck in my mornings. You guys are way cool. Amber you are a super cool supervisor, and I love that we both are fans of Friends and we could quote phrases for different occasions. Thanks also for letting me “steal” your wireless this last week. Westell647 was so slow jajaja! I will miss my Continental/United girls too. Kathy and Paul, you are such a cute couple. I will waiting for you guys back at home for an amazing wedding I will cater. Deb, and her love for football. I have never met a woman that love that sport like you, I tip my invisible hat at you. Val, I love talking to you, and going out to dinner the other day was so great. I had a lot of fun. Susan (Susana) with her skiing and snowboarding. Trying to teaching me at the office how to fries and pizza, and your big big love for Rockaroonie. He was so amazing, especially when he sang Truly, Deeply, Madly. Greg was and is an amazing boss, and Kim is such a nice lady. You guys are such an amazing couple! My skycaps were so awesome. Bryan, Allen, Adrienne and Julianne (which for the first 2 months I kept confusing their names). You are sweethearts. Claire, which called me little one. I will miss your accent and your phone’s ringtone; I felt I was in a spa. My cleaning ladies, to whom I could speak in Spanish and the ramp guys, specially Gabe a.k.a Pretty boy one, and Jake  Mr. Pretty Boy 2, I’m still waiting for my poem about life at the ramp and the airport. Jenn and Lindsay from Delta. I wished we could hangout more. You guys are so cool and nice, also Mr. Sarge and Mrs. Newscaster, whom I never learned her real name. I will miss Kenny too. He was on my case everyday with baggage and making him BDOs or not having claims for him to deliver, or making fun of me because of my texting or calls with Emily during the day. I would specially miss Darcy, my roommate. I couldn’t have ask for a better roommate than you. You drove me around to work, to the supermarket, even to the movies. I will always have you in my heart, and Josh and Tori too. I felt like you guys were my family away from home. I had a great Christmas Eve, and day with you guys. And I will always have my Leggo buddy with me. I will miss Trish hair extensions, and even Andres’ guns. I feel that I have grown a lot here, not just professionally, but also life wise. I learned to eat new stuff, like jalapeño poppers, fried mac and cheese, elk meat and pickles, which I hated before. And to drink whiskey and pickle shots. Those are grrrreat!!! I will miss the cold weather a lot, and the snow. I always wore my long johns, till last week. I will miss those too. The only thing I won’t miss is my noisy neighbor Nicole. Girl, what the hell you are doing in that apartment? I hope you are very much in love, because I could hear you every single night.   
I go back home leaving a little piece of my heart here. And this is not a good bye, is more like and I see you later. I will be back to visit for sure. I’m eager to go home, see my family, my friends, my amazing girlfriend. I can’t wait to go back to work in San Juan with my old gang, and to school with my great great friends, and to the warm warm weather there. I came here all alone, and now I’m leaving with a big big family. Love you guys!

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